The Rapture is for the Overcomers

URGENT Serious Message from the Lord Jesus Christ on the VERY Soon Coming Rapture, Tribulation and Judgement

I want to give further revelation to my disciples, of the difference between those whom I will come to transform first and those that will remain on earth to continue on their maturity before my second coming.

This day is rapidly approaching and many do not understand the separation that would be made as it has been foretold in my Word.

You read of the three of the seven feasts of Israel that spiritually represent three groups of people on the earth. The feasts of the Passover, Pentecost and the Tabernacles.

I will show you how these Feasts and how they depict parallel levels of maturing. Which can also be said of my people.

The Barley feast of Passover represent the overcomers, those whom I will transform first as these parallels the first yearly crop to be harvested in Israel. These Barley crop or the overcomers group have acquired the maturity needed in order to be prepared for the first resurrection. The main Body of the Church will not develop this maturity until later.

The wind of My Holy Spirit blows over the overcomers and the chaff in their lives is immediately exposed and repented allowing this group to mature ahead of the second group called wheat which is the Church.

The overcomers are extremely sensitive to the move of my Spirit and have learned to hear the voice of their Shepherd clearly. My overcomers are held to a higher level of accountability as they have been convicted fully disciplined and surrendered earlier in their journey with Me. than those who have not learned to overcome. These first fruits place Me as their first love above everything. The overcomers have also learnt also not to instantly react to a situation but rather take a step back and ask My Holy Spirit how to respond in love. I have told you always to ask me to show you how the most loving response is so that you can have in any situation. There is a maturity and a learning to respond in love especially to those who have hurt you. I teach in My Word that you are not to react with fruits of the flesh. But, instead respond with the fruits of the Spirit. Overcomers are often very aware of their thoughts, words and actions and strive to have a fruit for response that reflects Me. This differs from those who carry on with strife, envy, gossip, idle talking and conversations and those who are not sensitive to My Holy Spirit. I teach that engaging the things of the flesh and the world is sin that produces death if not repented for and I have called you to come out of the world and be separate or set apart. There are several references of these in My Word for the overcomers. They are known as the first fruits, sons of God, 144,000, My elect, My heirs and those are the wise virgins who have attained the extra oil that I require in order to qualify for the first transformation. They are called the unblemished before the throne those who will rise in the first resurrection and those who will be my Kings and Priests, they are jewels in My crown, they will rule and reign with Me for 1000 years and be saved from the lake of fire taking part in the two remaining groups. My first fruits are called to a life of brokenness. They often experience hardship and betrayal and they are the one called to suffer alongside of Me in order they receive the crown of life. They do not spend their lives in comfort. Many suffer infirmities and afflictions of all kinds. Whether it be physical or otherwise. They are called to surrender all they know in this life and they understand this is for an outcome I have ordained. They despair and stay in brokenness here that self would be overcome and My glory would be revealed in and through them. They suffer for Me in order to prove the genuineness of their great faith. They have been called to carry about in their bodies My death so that My life can be revealed in them. Haven’t I not spoken that you are to live the crucified life, but display a glorified one? I am the first fruit of them that slept. So also, my overcomers of the first resurrection the first fruits of others yet to come. Just as I was of no reputation, My first fruits are not highly esteemed here on earth. They do not come to make friends. They are most often not accepted by the world and others. They have come to save souls through their examples and demonstration of Me fully alive and manifesting in them. Their journey is one of isolations in the wilderness and many times they live as outcasts, misfits and lowness because the world does not love them and misunderstands them.  This is because they are not of this world as I was not of this world. It is not our home. I have separated them first in order that they be trained to lead in the greater larger harvest.

There is an ordained time for My first coming as groom for My bride. And because of the fiery trials my first fruit have overcome before that point. They are the first group to fully mature in Me allowing my presence to completely govern them. These early maturing qualifies them as leaders. My overcomers do not consider themselves righteous because they know the wickedness of their own hearts better than most. These is how I have molded them more and more into my image, giving them wisdom, counsel and revelation from My Kingdom. An overcomer will sin less as they are walking in harmony with my Holy Spirit and repent daily even several times a day being quick to take every thought captive and rebuke enemy spirits and their sinful nature. Their discernment is refined and walk in obedience with great discipline regularly. They are extremely conscientious and at tune with My Spirit.

My first fruits do not engage in ungodly activities or worldly affairs or unnecessary of intentionally. They are very careful on the company in which they keep. They do not read, watch or listen to the things that I find offensive. They call what is Holy, Holy and what is evil, evil. Unlike what the world does today. They are not afraid to stand for truth no matter the cost. For many the cost has been everything for there is always a great price to pay for this great degree of surrender and obedience to Me. This group wants nothing of this world because they walk in the promises I made and know they are only here for My purposes and for such a short time before I bring them home.

The second crop harvested in Israel, happens around Pentecost, Shaviot, this feast which is the wheat harvest, and represents the Church. Those who will not be fully prepared to meet Me their groom when I appear for my first fruits. Their lamps are not completely full of oil, but here, they are still saved from eternal damnation. These children believe in Me. They are saved and call Me their Messiah, but they require great threshing by trials before they are spiritually prepared to meet Me. This group is what is often called the left behind group. The threshing or the judgement that they will be left behind will endure will be harsher, just like the wheat has to be threshed to separate the chaff. However, this will bring about a great purification and ensure they are ready to meet Me at my second coming. This second and larger group often compromises in life in various ways and never fully committing their hearts and lives to me. I love all My people the same, but these group does not believe in walking in complete obedience and therefore is not ready to meet me at the time of the first translation. These group will require greater sanctification in order to be spiritually prepared. These believers do good things, but other refer to them in my Word as foolish virgins who do not have extra oil at the time of My first appearing as groom. And then the door is shut. They are often lukewarm and non-committal, lacking discipline and strong conviction of faith. These souls are justified by faith, but have not fully committed to my sanctification process in order to put on my complete nature. More correction is necessary.

These will receive judgement according to their works and the level of spiritual preparation they have attained. My judgements will purge them of any lawlessness left in their lives. And this group will be left to endure the great tribulation, either fleeing for their lives for the mark of the beast or being martyred for My Name sake. My Children, this day is so very close to its fulfillment. If you are not fully indwelt by My Holy Spirit, baptized by fire, born again and living in obedience, then you have not learnt to love that I love and to hate that I hate. Operating this way shows lack of discernment of good and evil. I have taught you of things unacceptable to Me. Do not trade these things in your life. It is sin. If you truly love me with all your heart, mind and soul. You will do as I command and not accept the ways of the world. Since the eyes are the window of the soul, nothing unclean should enter your eyes or your ears. You will be convicted of things that are sinister and dark; Watching, reading or listening to things concerning fornication, lust or homosexuality, murder or idolatry, profanity or the many things that flood your world today; these would be offensive to you, as they are to me. These is why the second group will not be ready when I your groom comes for His first fruits.

Do you see now why there must be a separation? For I will only come for a pure and spotless bride. My Church, one without blemish that has washed her robes an made herself ready. Pray earnestly on these words, because THE OUTCOME OF IGNORING IS SO VERY SERIOUS.

The third too groups of people reflected in the feast of Tabernacles, is the great harvest. This group is made up of those that must be trodden underfoot. Grapes when harvested have a very tough skin and must therefore be crushed in order to obtain the wine. These group will receive the most severe form of judgement as they are the unbelievers, the whore mongers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the sorcerers and the liars. They will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death.

Blessed are they that enter the first resurrection. My people, I love you beyond measure and I wish none will perish and you would call Me King and Master of your lives. To whom do you give your allegiance? Are you in covenant with the king of darkness? Or with the One and Only King of all creation and your Father?

If these words have spoken have convicted you, then please repent now and turn to Me. Seek My heart with every fiber of your being. Call to me and I will answer you. I will never turn My back on those that cry to me with everything. Those who are willing to fully submit to me, it is still not too late but in an instant your Groom will approach quickly. Which side of the door will you find yourself on? When I come knocking to take you with Me, will you then beg the other Wise virgins to give you their oil that you may be full? I tell you; it will not be and you will remain to endure.

Study My Word, it is all for you to uncover.  I am your Teacher, your Counsellor. Wisdom is given to those who ask in earnest and sincerely.

As you can plainly see, the judgment has already begun and the severity will increase rapidly. The mid night hour is here.  All commences. Please, please make Me first in your life if you have not already done so.

I love each one of you beyond measure,

Alpha and Omega