questions from seekers

Questions from seekers








In nowadays science is developing in a rapid speed but more and more people believe in religions. So I want to know why people believe in religions

Science does not meet the needs of a man fully. A man has a spirit, soul and body. Science can reach the body and a little of soul but never the spirit. Only the Bible can feed the soul (Matthew 4:4, John 6:68). Man feels empty until he meets God. The more science advances the more thy discover that all things are designed by a great wise being and the earth and all that is in it could not have happened by chance or evolution.



1. What is the magic of religion for so many people to faith? As for us I know the Christianity originated in the Jewish state. Why in other countries it is so popular? For example Africa, the United States etc. I want to know about the Christianity’s development history and the Bible stories.

2. Why is the holy city of Jerusalem for both Christianity and Islam? What’s the relationship between the two religions?

The magic of religion is that it has a spiritual dimension apart from the physical one. It explains where we came from what we are doing and where we shall go after death. Christianity began at the day of Pentecost in Acts  and has been empowered by the Holy Spirit since then. Read the Bible for more information.

2. The city of Jerusalem has been the interest of the two religions because of the prophecies which have been spoken about it. That Christ shall reign from Jerusalem during the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20). Jerusalem is like the clock of the earth spiritually.



I want to understand the classification of Christianity. Why it was divided? Some scientists are Christians why can they believe in the practice in experiment rather than God.

2. Most of the time, I think I am a person without any faith. Whether I will be more enthusiastic and joyful and less bitter and afflicted in spirit if I have one faith such as Christianity or Buddhism

1. Christianity is not divided as per say. But people are in different levels of growth. Some due to lack of maturity emphasize one doctrine to be more important than others. Also because the devil has also established counterfeit churches in order to mudsling the holiness of God. The great scientists who made scientific advancements were believers in God and attributed all wisdom to God. People like Faraday, Newton even Darwin before he died he was a Christian. The puzzle of life after death has not been solved yet in the laboratory. 

2. Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). That is it is based o knowledge on God’s word. It is also a choice to believe or not and be ready to bear the effects of your choice. 



In your opinion, do you feel that religious affect people ideas and behaviours?

Religion from its original definition means a commitment or a binding It influences lives. If it is good religion it brings love, peace and hope which builds. This is from the true and living God. If it is evil it brings hate, war and hopelessness which destroy. This is from the devil. 



What is the difference between shiah and sunni?

The Sunni are the largest group in Islam. In Arabic, as-Sunnah literally means "principle" or "path." Sunnis and Shi'a believe that Muhammad is a perfect example to follow, and that they must imitate the words and acts of Muhammad as accurately as possible. Because of this reason, the sunnah (practices which Muhammad established in the community) is described as a main pillar of Sunni doctrine, with the place of hadith having been argued by scholars as part of the sunnah.

Sunnis recognize four major legal traditions (madhhabs): Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanafi, and Hanbali. All four accept the validity of the others and a Muslim might choose any one that he/she finds agreeable to his/her ideas. There are also several orthodox theological or philosophical traditions (kalam).

Shi'a Muslims, the second-largest branch, differ from the Sunni in rejecting the authority of the first three caliphs. They honor different accounts of Muhammad (hadith) and have their own legal traditions. The concept of Imamah (leadership) plays a central role in Shi'a doctrine. Shi'a Muslims hold that leadership should not be passed down through a system such as the caliphate, but rather, descendants of Muhammad should be given this right as Imams.



  1. Does religions have a common place with the politics. If they have what are the common places?
  2. In my opinion, believing religion help your life better, when you are in difficulty, you still keep hope, believing that God never abandon you. But s few of person make use of religion to achieve their political or commercial interests; I think that should be a kind of insult and offense to God. How about you?
  3. In daily life, how the believer does express their reverence and thanks to God.

1. Both deal with people, one has authority from God or other spirits the other from people.

2. I also think so, but it’s better to trust in God at all times. It is easy to believe when one has no trouble than when one has trouble of difficulty.








We express our reverence to God through telling Him thanks by prayer or praise in songs and doing good at all times in love.



I would like to discuss the topic of religion’s spreading. At the early age Christianity is illegal the Romans empire territory, how did it spread so quickly? What is the early Christianity like? How did it transform to the Christianity that we know nowadays? China has similar underground religions at that age, why did it fail to endure and survive?

Christianity spread because of the work of the Holy Spirit in men who loved and were serving the Lord Jesus Christ at all costs.


Some of the Christianity today lacks the power of the Holy Spirit and hence is weak,  read  Jude 19 and  Timothy 3:5

There are still strong Christians everywhere only the blind men can not see (Read Romans 11:5)




I have studied religions in the last English lesson. But I am still confused with them. May be my geography is not very well or may be this world is very large indeed. However all kinds of religions come across. Can you give me a brief introduction for example the origin, what people believe, what kind of religion, some special taboos etc. just give me a clear useful; important skeleton.

The main religions in the world are Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.  The origin of Christianity is Asia: The origin of Judaism is Asia, The origin of Islam is Asia, The origin of Buddhism is Asia. So all major religions came from Asia. Asia is very religious. The people believe in a God. The Christians and Judaism believe in a God called Jehovah, The Muslims believe in a God called Allah, in Buddhism the concept of a personal God does not fit into the Buddhist system of religion. The different religions try to please there God in different ways based on a inspired book. The Christians follow the Holy Bible, the Muslims follow the Koran, the Buddhism follow there books of teaching. Many of the religions believe in life after death. Christian believes in heaven and hell, just like Muslims, the Buddha followers believe in reincarnation. The concept of life after death dominates a great deal of all religions. With the good being rewarded forever and the evil punished for ever. The Muslims believe Mohammed is the bridge to God, The Christians believe Jesus Christ is the Bridge to God, The Buddhists believe in fellowship with demons to become a Buddha.